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[E] Cauldweller
[E] Cauldweller
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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oh and oki love you man
over 12 years ago
So with my Ban Appeal being rejected i ahve decided to leave minetown and minecraft alone forever. This was the only server i knew and without it the game is unknown to me. So i bid you all farewell. For a while (Or a rogue mod puts me back in) But before i leave i just want to say a few things about the people i met on here. Irethena- Ah Kassy no idea how i would have lasted a week in minetown without you. And despite me destroying a floating house of yours and questioning your gender multiple times we are still friends and will always be. Lomanic- Well Lom im sure youve set up a /ban cauldweller hotkey up on your PC by now but i just want to let you know that i still consider you a friend and despite how many times you had to exterminate me from the servers you always kept polite about it DanniDoritto- Danni ive got nothing but nice things to say about you. you kept me upright as i rejoined MT society. But then i went and betrayed your trust so i can completly understand your reasons for hating me. Which is ok. But you will always be that big mean sister that hits me in the back of the head then pushes me down a set of stairs. But then goes and gets a bandaid for me. Even though several limbs are broken. 8x8Johan- This guy is nothing but a legend to me. You are a true friend who has stood by me and has always believed me even in the most unbelievable circumstances. I wish you nothing but the best on MT. My Will- Everything i have goes to 8x8johan That includes my 8 blaze spawners wherever they are. And my mountains that whoever got the privilage of worldediting them back to normal turned into islands (Dont do it again) and if there is anything else that belongs to me (items,slaves,small illegal Minetown Casino's) either send it to 8x8 or LucyLooseLegs nope couldnt do it with a straight face. No but seriously its all to 8x8 Enjoy your time here and good luck in life. Love and Light -Cauldweller Tiberius Armedeus The Pyro
over 12 years ago
ok yield and staff i thank you for your time and commitment and i am sorry for the trouble i have caused you Cauld
over 12 years ago
ok thanks zionia and staff for your time and effort
over 12 years ago
Hey this is to the mods/admins i was wondering if my appeal was still being assessed. its been a few days now and i havnt heard from anyone about it. this is a big deal for me and i am really having trouble just waiting for an answer. i will try to be patient Cauld
over 12 years ago